Notice on Payment of "Aswesuma" Welfare Benefits - Welfare Benefits Board (WBB)

Welfare Benefits Board (WBB)

Notice on Payment of "Aswesuma" Welfare Benefits - Welfare Benefits Board (WBB)

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As the 2nd phase of "Aswesuma" a payment of Rs.1,550 millions for another 257,170 beneficiaries have been paid for the month of July. Accordingly, the banks will credit the beneficiary accounts by tomorrow. The Welfare Benefits Board will make payments for the balance beneficiaries after verification of accounts. It is possible to make the payment for the month of August at one go for all beneficiaries after the payment for the month of July is completed.

791,000 beneficiary families were paid Rs. 5,016 millions in the first phase and with the 2nd phase 1,048,170 families have been already paid Rs. 6,566 millions by the government. Upon completion of surveys related to appeals and objections payments will be made to all beneficiaries. Government Private NGO Foreign Job Jobs Vacancies Vacancy Careers Career Courses Course Sri Lanka Samurdhi Divineguma WBBSL