Admission for Diploma in Library and Information Science (DLIS) Course 2023/2024 - Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA)

Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA)

Admission for Diploma Course 2023/2024

01. Diploma in Library and Information Science (DLIS)

• Leading to Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Hons) in Library and Information Studies (LIS) Degree Programme (Course) offered by The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)

• Duration: 1 Year (Sundays)
• Medium: English / Sinhala / Tamil
• Mode: Online / Onsite / Postal + Seminars
• Closing Date: 2023.10.30

Full Details
• English - Click_Here
• Sinhala - Click_Here

Application Form
• English - Click_Here
• Sinhala - Click_Here

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