Admission for Short Course in German Language for Nurses (SCGLN) 2023 - The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)

The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)

Admission for Short Course 2023

01. Short Course in German Language for Nurses (SCGLN)

• Duration: 6 Months
• Mode: Online / Onsite

• Full Details in English - Click_Here

• Application Form (Word File) - Click_Here

• WhatsApp Group - Click_Here

The Department of Nursing of the Open University of Sri Lanka collaborating with Workforce Europe offer a short course in German Recognition for Sri Lankan Nurses. Workforce Europe GmbH in Germany is a government recognized nursing school. Workforce Europe has been training and recruiting hundreds of nurses from all over the world every year. Extensive experience in the field of recognition of foreign Nursing degrees has already been successfully used by thousands of nurses who are now working and living happily in Germany. The school premises of Workforce Europe are in Misburger Strasse 81 C, 30625 Hannover - Germany.

We offer German language courses for those who are looking for employment in Germany. Our Germany partner, Workforce Europe GmbH takes care of the necessary recognition process which is separately managed. Government Private NGO Foreign Job Jobs Vacancies Vacancy Careers Career Courses Course 2023.08.25