Diyanet Scholarships (Diyanet Burslari) in the Republic of Turkey (Turkiye) for Sri Lankan Students 2023/2024 - High School / Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Masters / Doctoral (PhD) Degree Programmes (Courses) - Ministry of Education (Higher Education)

Ministry of Education (Higher Education)

Diyanet Scholarships (Diyanet Burslari) in the Republic of Turkey (Turkiye) for Sri Lankan Students 2023/2024

• Degree Programmes (Courses)
01. International Imam Hatip High School Scholarship Programmes
02. International Theology Undergraduate Scholarship Programmes
03. International Masters (Postgraduate / Masters) Scholarship Programmes
04. International Doctoral (PhD) Scholarship Programmes

• Qualification: Grade 8 or A/L or Other
• Online Application
• Closing Date: 2023.02.28

• Full Details in English - Click_Here

• More Details - Click_Here

• Online Application Click_Here

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