State Printing Corporation (SPC) Job Vacancies 2024/2025

State Printing Corporation (SPC) - Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education

Application for the following Posts (Job Vacancies) 2024/2025

01. Marketing Officer
02. Computer Type-setting Operator (Graphic Design)
03. Technical Assistant (Binding)
04. Technical Assistant (Proof Reading)
05. Technical Assistant (Electrical)
06. Technical Assistant (Printing Machine Mechanic)
07. Technical Assistant (Litho Machine Minder)
08. Technical Assistant (Letter Press Machine Minder)
09. Superintendent
10. Assistant Superintendent
11. General Manager
12. Deputy General Manager
13. Manager (Marketing)
14. Manager (Supplies)
15. Assistant Manager (Security)
16. Assistant Manager (Works - Security Printing)

* Total 38 Vacancies
* Closing Date: 2025.01.27

Full Details
* English - Click_Here
* Sinhala - Click_Here

Application Form - Click_Here

WhatsApp Group Link - Click_Here