Selected Name List for Interview - Admission for Bachelor of Labour Management (BLM) (Hons) Degree Programme / Diploma in Labour Education (DLE) Courses 2023/2024 - Institute of Human Resource Advancement (IHRA), University of Colombo (UOC)

Institute of Human Resource Advancement (IHRA), University of Colombo (UOC)

Selected Name List for Interview - Admission for Degree Programme / Diploma Courses 2023/2024

01. Bachelor of Labour Management (BLM) (Hons)
02. Diploma in Labour Education (DLE)

• Interview Date: 2023.04.23

• Selected Name List
01. BLM - Click_Here
02. DLE - Click_Here

• WhatsApp Group - Click_Here government private ngo job jobs vacancies career careers course courses