Admission for Degree Programmes (Courses) for Day Scholars 2022/2023 - General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU)

General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU)

Admission for Degree Programmes (Courses) for Day Scholars 2022/2023

01. BSc in Strategic Studies and International Relations
02. BSc (Hons) in Engineering
03. Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
04. BSc in Management and Technical Sciences
05. BSc in Logistics Management 
06. BSc in Social Sciences
07. BSc in Applied Data Science Communication
08. BA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
09. BSc (Hons) in Computer Science
10. BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering
11. BSc (Hons) in Computer Engineering
12. BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Business Analytics
13. BSc (Hons) in Nursing
14. BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy
15. BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Sciences
16. BSc (Hons) in Radiography
17. BSc (Hons) in Radiotherapy
18. Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm Hons)
19. BET (Hons) in Construction Technology
20. BET (Hons) in Building Services Technology
21. BET (Hons) in Biomedical Instrumentation Technology
22. BSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice
23. Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) 
24. BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying (QS)
25. BSc (Hons) in Surveying Sciences
26. BSc (Hons) in Industrial and Service Quality Management
27. BSc (Hons) in Information Technology (IT)
28. BSc (Hons) in Information Systems
29. BTech in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

• Duration: 3/4/5 Years
• Closing Date: 2022.09.30

• Full Details in English - Click_Here
• Full Details in Sinhala - Click_Here
• Full Details in Tamil - Click_Here

• Degree Details - Click_Here

• Course Fee - Click_Here

• Video Instructions - Click_Here

• Online Application Click_Here

• Model Papers Click_Here

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